Ghirardeli dark chocolate chips

Thank You for Holding

ghirardelli dark chocolate chips
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

Adulting can be really hard some days. Today is one of those days.

I’m stress-eating my way through a bag of Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips as I’m typing this. I keep a bag in the pantry at all times, usually for their given purpose – when shit gets real and I need a chocolate fix. It’s my necessary-and-not-so-guilty pleasure that’s getting me through at this moment, and it’s better than say, crack, or bulk-buying on Amazon Prime.

I won’t bore you with the details, but simply put, the emergency home repairs from last week I thought were going to be completed by today, won’t be. It turns out they just became a bit more complicated, with more phone calls to make, agents to talk to, estimates to get and appointments to set. The stressful bit is being at the mercy of other people. I feel helpless, incompetent, impatient and speaking a foreign language I’ve never heard to other people who speak it fluently, i.e home repair speak.

So right now, these chocolate chips are playing an integral role in me keeping my cool and preventing my head from exploding. They have helped me temporarily temper my overwhelming frustration and utter disbelief at how awful some big chain stores are at customer service. And they’ve brought me a little bit of joy too, or that could be the sugar high. It’s hard to tell at this point.

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now. Off to listen to more bad elevator music while I’m placed on hold for the bazillionth time. But I have my chocolate here, so I’ll be okay.

What is your go-to food for days when adulting is hard?

Someecards emotional exerciser

P.S. More chocolate: A decadent Cacao and Almond Butter Smoothie Recipe.






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